The Petition of KKDSZ

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On 22 January 2018, KKDSZ (Hungarian Trade Union of Culture) held a demonstration and handed over a petition to the Secretary of State for Culture of the Ministry of Human Capacities.

KKDSZ demands the immediate commencement of negotiations about pay rise in the cultural area, especially in museums, libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions.

The petition has been initiated by employees of the Fine Art Museum and KKDSZ collected more than 3000 signatures from skilled and qualified employees. It means that one-third of all employees in the field of culture signed the petition.

This event was connected to the Day of Hungarian National Culture (22 January). At the news conference of a spectacular ceremony of KKDSZ, Csaba Csóti, President of KKDSZ said that 80% of our qualified colleagues earn gross EUR 580 per month. This amount can no longer be accepted. This event and the claim of KKDSZ was supported by other Hungarian EPSU member organizations too.

Orsolya Dobrovits




                                Photos: Eszter Kerék:

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