Levelek Áder Jánosnak

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Papp Katalin, a KKDSZ mb. elnöke levélben kérte Áder János Köztársasági elnököt, hogy ne írja alá a Parlament által kedden elfogadott törvényt.

Papp Katalin levele Áder Jánosnak letölthető itt

Ezen kívül, az EPSU főtitkára, Jan Willem Goudruan és az ETUC főtitkára, Luca Visentini is közös e-mailben kérte Áder János Köztársasági elnököt, hogy ne írja alá a törvényt.

EPSU – ETUC főtitkárok teljes levele letölthető itt

President János Áder

Dear Mr President,

We are writing to you on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the European Federation of PublicService Unions (EPSU) representing 45 million workers in trade unions across 38 European countries, to protest strongly against the changes to the Law on the legal Status of Public Servants (KjT – 92/XXXIII) to remove public service status from civil workers in the culture sector.

We are aware that it is now up to you to ratify the amended law, and we want to express our strong support for the trade unions and trade union confederations in Hungary that are opposing this measure.

Over 20000 public servants working in libraries, museums, archives, cultural centres, theatres and orchestras will be affected.

Not only is the change unwelcome and unnecessary but it is of major concern that the new legislation has been pushed through following an unacceptably short and inadequate process of consultation, both in relation to the trade union confederations and the sector trade unions.

Workers across the sector are facing not only the risks to their health from the COVID-19 virus, but also threats to their incomes, all the more worrying for a group of such low-paid workers. Public service status are a core part of the benefits for these workers who have otherwise been ignored when it comes to pay increases.

It is particularly disturbing that the government is attempting to carry out this permanent change during this emergency period, setting aside social dialogue with trade unions to be properly consulted and to negotiate over their pay, conditions and employment rights.

We strongly support our Hungarian trade union colleagues that are trying to defend the position of culture workers across the country. We join with them in calling on you to not ratify the amended law and guarantee the right to social dialogue and collective bargaining across the public sector.

Yours sincerely,

Luca Visentini
ETUC General Secretary

Jan Willem Goudriaan
EPSU General Secretary

Borító kép: Pixabay

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